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Seeking someone close to you? A firm that has a personable feel, and the ability to advocate and represent you wholly? If you find yourself typing, Attorney near me, into search boxes then you have found your home. You can feel secure in knowing that The Fetty Firm will advocate and fight for you or help you through those difficult times.

Tarrant County Estate Planning

Tarrant County Estate Planning

Generally speaking, everyone should take care of basic estate planning. In other words, everyone should make sure that their wishes followed through after their death. By doing so, your family can be spared from unnecessary expenses and delays. Additionally, you’ll have someone you trust in charge of important matters in the instance that you are unable to do so yourself.

Adults in the state of Texas should have the following estate planning documents:

  • A will, to leave assets and also to name your executor
  • A durable power of attorney for finances, which names a designated person to manage your finances in instances where it’s necessary
  • The living will, (In the state Texas, this is called a Directive to Physicians and Family or Surrogates or an advanced directive), this document spells out your end-of-life wishes
  • Medical Power of Attorney, a document that names someone to ensure your health care wishes are carried through
Texas Estate Planning

Texas Estate Planning

Residents of Texas should also look into probate-avoidance. While Texas’ probate is better than other states in terms of simplicity, people tend to prefer to avoid probate court proceedings altogether. The reason for this is that avoiding probate saves families money and hassle. In order to avoid probate, you’ll need to plan ahead of time. Alternatively, your family may be subject to a probate court proceeding. This court proceeding will give families the authority to transfer your assets to those who inherit them. Methods such as a living trust can help avoid probate.

Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

Experienced Texas Law Attorney

Family Law Firm in Texas

Rashelle Fetty, The Fetty Firm’s sole attorney, has over ten years in the legal sector. This experience proves greatly valuable when providing individualized services to her clients. After all, you need to create an estate plan that fits you and your unique circumstances. If you haven’t taken care of your estate planning yet, the time to do so is now. The Fetty Firm can provide assistance with:

  • Advanced Directives/Living Will
  • HIPAA Forms
  • Trusts
  • Designation of Guardian
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Wills

Contact us today by calling (214) 546-5746 or visiting our website to learn more about our estate planning services.

Tarrant County Estate Planning – What is a Will? What is a trust?

What is a will? What is a trust?

Estate Planning in Tarrant County

You may have used or heard of the words “will” and “trust.” Some people believe they are interchangeable, but that is not the case. On the surface, these two documents may be very similar, but they have several differences. A will is used to distribute any property you have after your death. A trust is when a trustee signs over property to another known as beneficiary.

Trusts can start once it is completed, upon a person’s death, or after. A will takes effect after the person has died. There are other significant differences between a will or trust. The Fetty Firm specializes in both of these documents. If you are interested in setting up either, get in touch with the firm today. Rashelle Fetty is the owner and sole attorney at the firm. She can help you decide which document is best.

Sit down with a Tarrant County Estate Planning Attorney so that you can learn what it is that you need for your situation.

Major Differences of these Documents

will and trust

A will and trust are not the same thing.

One major difference between the documents is a will only distributes the property under your name. If you have any property that is owned jointly, that will not be distributed. When it comes to a trust, the property must be in the name of the trust to be distributed. Another major difference is that wills go through probate. Probate is when a will goes through court to prove its authenticity.

If there is no will when a person dies, then the court can distribute the property how they like. Wills are not private records since they go through probate. Trusts bypass probate and are remained private. Additionally, trusts are capable of planning for disability or saving for taxes. It cannot specify a specific person or funeral arrangements.

Wills and trusts have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important families know the differences and determine which document is best for them. The Fetty Firm can help clients find the right document for their future. There is a wide range of reasons to choose one over the other. Let Rashelle Fetty help you make that difficult decision.

Choose the Right Document

Get in touch with The Fetty Firm today. You can reach our firm by calling (214) 546-5746. Clients should also visit our pages about wills and trusts. They provide important information that may help you decide which document is better.

Estate Planning – Tarrant County

Tarrant County Wills and Trusts Attorney

Probate is when a will goes through a legal process to determine if it is authentic. Texas has its own set of probate laws. Specifically, you want to have a Wills and Estates Attorney in Tarrant County that is informed about the local probate laws.

It is a common legal procedure, but it is also very timely. Being well acquainted with the local structure for probate can be helpful.

Wills that go through probate take time and money, which is why some try to avoid it altogether. There is a way to skip probate, and there may be scenarios when you would want to skip the process. Hire an attorney near you, like The Fetty Firm to help with your estate planning.

Wills are used to pass on property to beneficiaries once a person dies. If a will is not established, then the courts will create one and distribute property how they see fit. Wills are very beneficial for the families after a family member’s death and the testate, the person dying. The family will have a more comfortable process after their loved one’s passing. Plus, their loved one will have peace of mind when they do pass.

Ways of Avoiding Probate


Most wills go through probate.

There are ways of avoiding probate, but there needs to be careful planning. Firstly, it is best to have a will. Those who die without wills may also require probate. You may want to avoid probate to skip the many legal fees you will incur or avoid the estate taxes. Be prepared. Choose an attorney close to you. Get yourself a Tarrant County Probate Attorney.

Regardless of the reason, there are ways of avoiding probate. One way of avoiding this lengthy legal process is to set up a revocable living trust. Property is placed into the trust that is only accessible to the owner. Once they die, the property is given to a beneficiary, and no probate is needed.

Life insurance policies are another way you can avoid probate. They require policyholders to add a beneficiary to the plan. Once the holder passes, then the property is passed on to the beneficiary. Retirement plans may also be another option, but not all of them work the same way.

In general, you will most likely go through probate. Unless you actively plan to avoid it, the process will most likely occur. That said, probate is relatively inexpensive, and the process has been streamlined over the years.

Call for a Will or a Probate Lawyer

If you are needing to create a will or want probate assistance, get in touch with The Fetty Firm. Rashelle Fetty has years of experience with family court. Give her firm a call at (214) 546-5746. Clients should also visit her Tarrant County will and Tarrant County probate pages to find out more about the process.

Enforcing Modification Orders

Enforcing Modification Orders

For several reasons-all of which are based on the best interest of the child-family courts in Texas may approve of changes from previous court orders. This process is considered a modification of orders. Varying case by case, the following court orders can be modified:

  • Existing custody orders
  • Visitation orders
  • Child support orders
  • Medical and support orders

Circumstances like getting a new job or loss of current employment, relocation, changes in living conditions, criminal charges on part of a parent, or changes in the child’s health can lead to modification of orders. After creating a modification of orders, the next step is making sure the modification is enforced.

Enforcing Modification Orders

Enforcing Modification Orders

Modification of orders can include:

  • The child’s desire to reside with other parents
  • Child abuse or neglect
  • Changes in income and job status
  • The best interest and needs of the child
  • Visitation rights
  • Conservatorship

Keep in mind, you have the right to seek or defend yourself against the modification of orders. Subsequently, The Fetty Firm is here to make sure your modification orders take effect in the best way possible.

Furthermore, a court order can become stale at times. Because circumstances can change, an existing order can become obsolete.

Seeking Enforcement of Modifications

If the other person fails to pay child support or spousal support, The Fetty Firm can help. Contact us for a consultation. Consequently, we’ll provide advice on your legal rights and in terms of how to proceed based on a review of the enforcement order.

Remember, you have a right to fight proposed custody and support modifications. If you’re in a current situation where a proposed enforcement is unworkable or not in the child’s best interest, reach out to us at your earliest convenience.

Texas Estate Planning

Texas Family Law firm

Rashelle Fetty has over ten years in the legal sector, in which she has helped countless clients with their family law cases. With personalized and attentive services, we’ve achieved great results for our clients. Don’t allow your support order to be ignored, and make sure it’s enforced by the law.

You can reach Rashelle and The Fetty Firm by calling (214) 546-5746. Moreover, check out our Family Law webpage for more information on our legal services. We look forward to meeting with you and finding the best path forward with your case.

Texas Estate Planning

Tips For Adopting Parents

Adopting is a beautiful way of forming a family. Not only are you adding to your family, but you’re also helping a child grow and thrive in a loving and safe environment. The adoption process, however, can be very complex. The best way to tackle this process is with the help of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney, such as Rashelle Fetty.

Based in Colleyville, TX, The Fetty Firm helps clients through the ins and outs of the adoption process. Moreover, Rashelle has extensive knowledge of Texas, and its adoption laws, and can be of great help with:

Legal Assistance with the Adoption Process

Legal Assistance with the Adoption Process

  • Stepparent adoption
  • Private adoption
  • International adoption
  • Unplanned pregnancies
  • An infant or older child adoptions
  • Special needs adoptions

Keep in mind that adoptions require great deals of paperwork and come with strict rules and procedures. Any missteps along the way may result in your adoption being declared invalid. Nobody wants to endure this painful, heartbreaking conclusion to their dreams of adopting. Furthermore, here are some more tips for those thinking about adopting.

Gather Information

Just like any important matter, proper knowledge will go a long way in the success of your adopting endeavors. You should definitely research the adoption process through books, magazines, and other publications.

You can also reach out to families who have gone through the process and may be able to help you. Moreover, read adoption blogs and get a diverse collection of opinions regarding the lengthy adoption process.

Prepare for Adoptive Parenting

Once you become familiar with the adoption process, you should next prepare yourself for life as an adoptive parent. Be aware of the common issues that sometimes arise in the psyche of a recently adoptive parent. Look out for these challenges that children:

Texas Estate Planning

Texas Family Law firm

  • Normative parenting practices
  • Emotional and mental development
  • Adoption related grief
  • Identity issues

Child’s Background

Knowing your child’s medical, genetic, and social history is also very important. It provides vital information that can help adoptive parents decide if they are the right match for the child. Just like anything else, every child has their own requirements when it comes to financial and emotional resources.

The Fetty Firm is an experienced law firm in the state of Texas ready to help parents through the entire adoption process. For experienced and effective law services, contact us at (214) 546-5746. Additionally, visit our family law webpage for more information on our services.

Enforcing Modification Orders

Spousal Support Laws in Texas

Spousal support, formerly referred to as spousal maintenance, is a court-ordered alimony payment. Court’s make decisions based on available evidence. As such, it is important that you have a knowledgeable family law attorney by your side to make sure you have the best representation possible. Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm can guide you to the best settlement possible.

Do You Qualify?

Courts can order support if the petitioning spouse lacks enough in property or assets for basic necessities. In addition, one of the following circumstances must be met:

Spousal Support Laws in Texas

Spousal Support Laws in Texas

  • If a spouse is convicted of an act of family violence against the other spouse or a child during the marriage. These incidents must have occurred during the divorce proceedings or within two years of filing for divorce.
  • The petitioning spouse has a physical or mental disability that prevents them from earning adequate income for basic necessities.
  • The petitioning spouse has custody of a child from the marriage, and this child is in need of special care for either physical or mental disabilities, causing the parent to be unable to make enough income for basic needs.

What Influences the Court’s Decisions?

Unless there’s a conviction for family violence, the court will begin with the assumption that spousal support is not necessary. With that being said, it’s important that you have an experienced attorney to give you the best chances of getting what you deserve.

If spousal support is appropriate, the court will then determine the amount to award based on several factors, including.

Colleyville TX Spousal Support

Colleyville TX Spousal Support

  • Available assets at the time of divorce
  • The employment and educations certifications of each spouse
  • How long the marriage lasted
  • The petitioners’ age, employment history, ability to earn, physical health, and emotional health
  • Child support
  • Destruction, concealment, or fraudulent disposal of joint property
  • Marital improprieties such as adultery or abuse
  • Family violence history
  • Property that each spouse bought into the marriage

Furthermore, spousal support is very limited, lasting anywhere from five years to ten years, depending on how long the marriage lasted.

For the best chances of getting the right settlement, choose Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm. We’ve helped countless clients with family law cases, and we look forward to helping you. You can reach us by calling (214) 546-5746.

What is a trust?

6 Reasons to Consider a Trust

If you haven’t considered how a trust could help you pass your wishes and wealth on, you could be making a critical mistake in your estate planning. Especially for individuals with substantial assets, protecting wealth for future generations should at the top of your priority.

Benefits of a Trust

An effective trust is carefully drafted by a qualified attorney and takes into account your specific circumstances and as well as current laws. Not having proper documentation could result in you not reaping the benefiting from the benefits of a trust.

Trusts Service

6 Reasons to Consider a Trust

Private Passing of Wealth

One of the most powerful and straightforward ways to use trust is by ensuring that your heirs have timely access to your wealth. When transferring assets through a will, your estate undergoes a procedure known as probate, conducted in state courts.

This probate process can carry some unforeseen negative consequences for the administration of your estate, such as:

  • Delays – Probate proceedings can be lengthy, with some taking longer than others. Additionally, if you own property several states, probate may be required in each state.
  • Costs – The fees included in probate can be quite substantial. The fees are hefty, even in basic cases, with no conflict between beneficiaries.
  • Publicity – The probate process is public. A will becomes a public record once admitted to probate. This means that anyone who wishes to view it can do so. Such transparency can create unwanted scrutiny.

Control the Distribution of Your Assets

Texas Estate Planning

Texas Family Law firm

Trusts establish possible ways to transfer assets. Such as:

  • Distributions for specific purposes – Ability to stipulate that the trustees shall make money available to children or grandchildren only for college tuition or maybe future health care expenses.
  • Age-based terminations – The assets in a trust can also be distributed to heirs at periodic intervals. For example, 30% at the age of 40, 30% at the age of 50, and so on.

Building Your Legacy

The purpose of a trust is to help people realize a vision for their assets. With that being said, you should guide the discussion with your attorney with the goals you have for your estate. Overall, trusts can definitely help build your legacy the way you want it. Contact The Fetty Firm today at (214) 546-5746, for more information on our estate planning services.

Child Support Laws in Texas

Child Support Laws in Texas

Securing your child’s well-being is one of the major aspects of being a good parent. In instances when parents divorce, part of the job is ensuring that child support obligations are met. For those currently dealing with child support litigation, contact The Fetty Firm for experienced assistance in family law matters.

Texas Child Support Guidelines

Generally speaking, there are limits to child support amounts in the state of Texas. These limits are referred to as guidelines. These guidelines state that the non-custodial parent must pay:

Child Support Laws in Texas

Child Support Laws in Texas

  • 20 % of net income for one child
  • 25% for two children
  • 30% for three children
  • 35% for four children
  • 40% for five children
  • 40% or more for six or more children

The paying parent is responsible for the child until the age of 18 or high school graduation, whichever comes first.

Guidelines are just guidelines. If both parents can come to a settlement, then this arrangement takes precedence.

Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm explain to clients the ins and outs of the guidelines in the state and will advise you on the best path forward. We can help answer questions about child support law, such as:

  • Facing lawsuits for back child support
  • Needing to enforce child support orders
  • Wishing to modify a child support order

All in all, child support is a complex issue that requires extensive litigation over the years. Rightfully so, clients come to us with all types of questions about child support in the state of Texas.

Legal Assistance with the Adoption Process

Legal Assistance Child Support Orders

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do these guidelines work?
  • How to structure a child support agreement with a former spouse?
  • Concerns over paycheck garnishment to fulfill child support obligations?
  • In what ways does child health insurance and health care costs factor in?
  • What happens in the event that the payee loses their job?
  • How does a change in the income factor in?
  • Can I challenge the paternity of the child or children in question?
  • What grounds can I use so the child support order be modified?
  • How does the process work in the event of remarriage?

Contact Us Today

Overall, the best way to act when it comes to child support is with the assistance of an experienced family law attorney, such as Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm. You can reach our law firm by calling (214) 546-5746.

Colleyville TX Will Lawyer

Five Reasons to Create a Will

Having a will is arguably one of the most important things a person can do for themselves and their families. This document not only protects your spouse, children, and assets, it also explains how you would like to handle important matters when you have passed away.

While each person and case is unique, here are some common reasons to create a will.

Distribute Your Estate

Colleyville TX Will Lawyer

Colleyville TX Will Lawyer

A will lets you decide on how your estate is handled after your death. Without a will, it’s not certain that your wishes will be carried out. A will helps minimize any type of family fights about your estate that could arise. Essentially, a will allows you to distribute your estate exactly as you desire.

Designate a Guardian

A will also allow you to make an informed decision about who should take care of your minor children. Without a will, the court will take it upon itself to choose among family members or a state-appointed guardian.

Avoid A Lengthy Process

Every estate must go through the probate process, with or without a will. However, a will speeds up the probate process in addition to informing the court on how you would like to divide your estate. Without a will, the court decides how to divide estate without your input.

Minimize Estate Taxes

Our law firm can help you

Law Firm for Estate Planning

Another way a will is useful is in minimizing your estate taxes. When distributing your estate to family or charity, it will reduce the value of the estate when it’s time to pay estate taxes. It just comes to show how useful a will can really be.

Prevent Legal Challenges

If you die before drafting a will, part of or all of your estate may be passed on to someone that you didn’t choose. Just imagine the misallocation of millions of dollars due to the absence of a will. To avoid misunderstanding and potential legal issues, make a will as soon as possible.

As you can see, drafting a will is useful for several reasons. Don’t wait to finish the important task and get at it. If you are ready to draft a will, contact The Fetty Firm today by calling (214) 546-5746. You can also learn more by visiting our

Legal Assistance with the Adoption Process

Child Custody: Know Your Options

Parents have one thing in common. They want the best for their children. Understandably so, we make all the efforts to help parents with their child custody cases.

Generally speaking, child custody is one of the most challenging aspects of divorce. Why? Well, for starters, the litigation process is very lengthy and extensive. Consequently, the best bet is to hire a family law attorney that is familiar with the ins and outs of Texas Child Custody Law.

Rashelle Fetty and The Fetty Firm are here to help. We’ve helped countless parents find the best path for their children. We work to make sure your parental rights and those of your child are always corrected.

Legal Assistance with the Adoption Process

Legal Assistance with the Adoption Process

Know Your Options

In the state of Texas, there are four custody options available: joint, sole, temporary, and split. Each of these options is different in its own way, and Rashelle will go over each of these options. In addition, you’ll be advised on what option best fits your current circumstances.

Joint Custody

When parents receive joint custody, they both have the right to make decisions for the child. Furthermore, there are certain variations for this type of custody. Shared physical custody, for one, describes the instances when the child has two legal residencies. There is also an option that combines traits of both joint legal and physical custody.

Sole Custody

This type of custody is when one parent is awarded both legal and physical custody of the child. As such, all decisions involving the child’s upbringing, education, health care, and other important matters rest with the designated parent.

Texas Estate Planning

Texas Family Law firm

Temporary Custody

Although not permanent, temporary custody is still an important part of the child custody litigation process. It refers to where the child will reside during the litigation process. The decision is taken according to the child’s best interest. With that being said, this is only a short-term arrangement.

Split Custody

This type of custody normally involves two or more children. An instance could occur where the courts decide to award full physical custody of one or more children to a single parent. However, neither parent will have full custody of all the children. This arrangement is based on numerous factors, such as the child’s age, where the children wish to live, and other types of factors.

For more information on child custody laws in the State of Texas, contact The Fetty Firm at (214) 546-5746.